
Guided tours

Guided tours in Hungarian and foreign languages should also be agreed with our staff at least one week in advance.

Please note that only qualified guides of our museum can give guided tours in Hungarian or foreign languages at the temporary and permanent exhibitions. However, if there is a need for a guided tour that is not one of the languages listed, or we are not able to provide a guided tour in the requested language at that time, travel agency guides can interpret the guides at exhibitions by prior arrangement.

Mobile application

Discover our exhibitions in the museum interactively! Using our app, you can access comprehensive information during a museum visit that complements the experience of exploring the exhibition spaces.

Mobile Screens

Ticket prices

Visiting the museum and viewing the exhibitions are in accordance with the current health rules! Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! Have fun!

Total price
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin elementum diam magna, ac varius justo gravida nec. Fusce posuere turpis eu accumsan euismod. Praesent mi quam, congue vitae lacinia ut, mollis eu tellus.
2000 Ft
1800 Ft*
Discounted ticket price (-50%)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin elementum diam magna, ac varius justo gravida nec. Fusce posuere turpis eu accumsan euismod. Praesent mi quam, congue vitae lacinia ut, mollis eu tellus.
1000 Ft
900 Ft*
Photo / video ticket
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin elementum diam magna, ac varius justo gravida nec. Fusce posuere turpis eu accumsan euismod. Praesent mi quam, congue vitae lacinia ut, mollis eu tellus.
1500 Ft
900 Ft*
Családi jegy
2 felnőtt + maximum 2 gyerek
5000 Ft
3 az 1-ben csomag (Múzeum, Szárazmalom, Ruzicskay)
Felnőtt: 4000 Ft, Kedvezményes (diák, nyugdíjas): 2000 Ft, Csoportos: 2400 Ft, Családi (2 felnőtt+ max. 2 gyermek): 6000 Ft
4000 Ft
600 Ft
200 Ft
Családi délután
3 éves kor alatt ingyenes
1200 Ft
Előadás, időszaki kiállítás
500 Ft
1500 Ft
Terembérlet rendezvénykor
80000 Ft
Terembérlet időszaki kiállítás, esküvői fotózás
10000 Ft

Gift shop

Háromszög fejű idol, életnagyságú, bársonnyal bélelt fa dobozban, tanúsítvánnyal
14.800 Ft
Zsírfarú idol, életnagyságú, bársonnyal bélelt fa dobozban, tanúsítvánnyal
14.800 Ft
Háromszög fejű idol hűtőmágnes agyagból
1.000 Ft
Zsírfarú idol hűtőmágnes agyagból
1.000 Ft
Háromszög fejű idol, agyagmedál, bőrszíjon
1.200 Ft
Zsírfarú idol agyagmedál, bőrszíjon
1.200 Ft
Hűtőmágnes plexi: háromszög fejű idol
500 Ft
Hűtőmágnes plexi: zsírfarú idol
500 Ft
Hűtőmágnes plexi: rovásfelirat
500 Ft
Karkötő: eredeti leletanyag alapján, azonos anyagokból készített
1.900 Ft
Fülbevaló: eredeti leletanyag alapján, azonos anyagokból készített
1.800 Ft
Nyaklánc: eredeti leletanyag alapján, azonos anyagokból készített
5.200 Ft
Képeslap háromszög fejű idol
100 Ft
Képeslap Tessedik Sámuel portré
100 Ft
Képeslap rovásírást bemutató
100 Ft
Rovásírásos bögre
1.500 Ft
Tűtartó feliratát bemutató bögre
1.500 Ft
Bögre háromszög fejű idollal
1.500 Ft
Tűtartó replika csontból díszdobozban, tanúsítvánnyal
8.500 Ft

Coffee shop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin elementum diam magna, ac varius justo gravida nec. Fusce posuere turpis eu accumsan euismod. Praesent mi quam, congue vitae lacinia ut, mollis eu tellus. Phasellus cursus ultricies ex nec sollicitudin. Donec eget lobortis mauris, ut finibus sapien. Etiam nisi lacus, ullamcorper id egestas sed, blandit in purus. Nam rhoncus justo sed erat semper consequat. Donec in ante sit amet est feugiat commodo in a leo.

Curabitur vel consectetur sapien, et bibendum sem. In rutrum mattis sapien eget auctor. Fusce vitae purus at odio lacinia pretium eget et velit. Aenean vitae lectus eu dui fringilla aliquet. Maecenas odio justo, volutpat vel elit quis, luctus efficitur neque. Cras malesuada pharetra interdum. Pellentesque consectetur efficitur leo, vitae hendrerit nulla ullamcorper sit amet. Phasellus accumsan sagittis neque auctor aliquam. Proin at arcu elit. Nunc placerat metus velit, ac porttitor sem suscipit vel.

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Visiting rules

Dear Visitor, please observe the following rules when visiting the Tessedik Samuel Museum:

  • Admission is required to visit the museum and use its services, except for the museum shop.
  • It is forbidden to bring bottles, food, drinks, live animals (except guide dogs), children's toys, stabbing and cutting devices, or anything that endangers the physical integrity, safety or condition of the works of art to the exhibition space. Please refrain from loud speech or shouting.
  • MOBILE PHONE: Please do not disturb other visitors in the exhibition space by loud speech, turn down your mobile phone and do not use it for conversation.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO: Photos and videos can be taken in the museum's exhibitions. However, the use of flashes or photo stands in exhibition halls is prohibited. The photos are for personal use only and may not be sold commercially!
  • DISABILITY: Our wheelchair users can enter the museum building through the east side door of the building. They are also serviced by a lift inside the building. Please use the help of our staff to find your way!
  • SECURITY: There is a surveillance camera system in the exhibition space in the exhibition area for security reasons.
  • SMOKING: Smoking is prohibited throughout the museum, and the use of electric cigarettes is not permitted. Smoking is allowed in designated areas, only outside the building.
  • CLOSING: Please leave the exhibition spaces 10 minutes before the closing of the museum building.